The Venerable Thupten Phutsok - Ordained Buddhist Monk (Kyongla)
Thupten Phuntsok (Irnst Norgaisse ) was ordained as a novice monk by Sermey Khensur Lobsang Tharchin Rinpoche (1921-2004), in July of 1993 at Rashi Gempil Ling Temple in Howell, New Jersey, USA. He received his Full Ordination (Gelong) the following year in 1994.
Thupten Phuntsok has been a formal student of Buddhism for over 30 years. He started his formal Buddhist education under the guidance of Kyongla Rato Rinpoche, the tenth reincarnation of the Kyongla line. Eight years later he met his main teacher, the late Sermey Kensur Rinpoche Geshe Lobsang Tharchin. He studied all the stages of the Path under the direct guidance of Sermey Kensur Rinpoche Geshe Lobsang Tharchin until his passing in 2004. During his studies with him, He also registered as a student in Sera Mey Monastic University where he would go from time to time. He has also attended many public teachings of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso and has been attending his public teachings since 1990 whenever he gets a chance.
Irnst Norgaisse was born in Haiti, came to New York with his two sisters when he was nine years old and has been living in the United States ever since. Irnst completed high school and earned a degree in Marketing from CUNY. His interest in Buddhism began in High School and he studied for eight years before meeting his main teacher, the late Sermey Kensur Rinpoche Geshe Lobsang Tharchin in 1991. He received his novice vows in 1993 and given the name Thupten Phuntsok and his full ordination in 1994 under the guidance of his heart-teacher Seramey Khensur Rinpoche Geshe Lobsang Tharchin. He would often visit Sera Mey monastery, which has been reestablished in South India on several occasions and studied with several teachers there. He is also a longtime student of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama from whom he has received public teachings both here and abroad. Thupten Phuntsok has been teaching Buddhist philosophy and meditation for over 20 years. He now lives and works in NYC and teaching classes on meditation and Buddhist Philosophy in CT, Staten Island and Manhattan as well as travels from time to time to teach as a guest teacher in various places such as Singapore, France, HongKhong, Bali, Bahamas to name a few upon invitation. He is the office manager for a non-profit organization that gives free business counseling to micro entrepreneurs.